Nutrition & Health

An important part of being a child care provider is making sure the children in you care are healthy and safe at all times, and we’re here to help.

From getting questioned answered about basic health issues to learning how to get money for buying your children healthy foods, Child Care Resource Network is your go-to service. See the resources below to get more information about the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), Health Care Consultancy, and how to make your program Breastfeeding Friendly.

Breastfeeding Friendly


Is your child care program breastfeeding friendly (BFF)? Child care programs can help moms and babies successfully develop and maintain a breastfeeding routine.

Why Should You Become A Breastfeeding Friendly Program?


1. Breastfeeding is good for moms and babies. Studies have shown that babies who are breastfed have a lower risk of illness, infection, and obesity.

2. Breastfeeding can help parent’s budgets and keep costs down for families with young children.

3. Breastfed babies are easier to care for: they are less prone to spitting up, are sick less often, and are less likely to have constipation or diarrhea.

4. It’s a great financial decisions: meals containing breastmilk are reimbursed by CACFP.

5. Becoming BFF helps to market your child care business. The Breastfeeding Friendly designation can be used in advertisements of your program. Your child care program will also be listed on the NYS Department of Health website as “Breastfeeding Friendly” as center or home based.

Want To Become A Breastfeeding Friendly Program?


To become a designated Breastfeeding Friendly program, complete the information and self-assessment form. Contact Billie Jo at 716-877-6666 ext. 3072 for more information about the Breastfeeding Friendly program.